The European Standards
The harmonised European Fire Standards are a set of test standards that have been accepted by all countries within the European Union. This allows manufacturers to produce or import products that have been tested to a common standard without the need to test in each member state. Testing to these standards is now accepted in all EU countries.
Compliance with the European standards and regulations is mandatory.
Reaction to Fire
If a fire is able to find sufficient flammable materials it will quickly spread through an area. It is therefore crucial to use materials of limited combustibility on key surfaces within a room, such as ceilings and walls. The use of such materials can dramatically reduce the speed flames spread through an area as well as minimise their contribution to the fire.
Fire Resistance
For European categorisation, a building material classification is always given separately. Structural elements based on EN 13501-2 encompass the whole structural element and not just the suspended ceiling. This may consist of the roof and the suspended ceiling or the structural floor and suspended ceiling. The entire element should resist the impact of fire on its structural ability for as long as possible. The length of time this can be maintained is the fire resistance duration and will classify it in one of the classes shown.
Here at Aspect Systems we will assist in ensuring you have the correct systems for the right application. Our long-standing partners in manufacturing, such as the multinational companies OWA®, Rockfon® and KNAUFDRYWALL® adhere to the most up to date fire standards in their processes.