
If you can’t understand a word, how can safety and comfort in the workplace be assured?
The ceiling requirements in the industrial sector are defined by the nature of what is being produced and stored at the premises. The food preparation industry has different requirements to heavy industry, a workshop or a warehouse.
When designing production areas, many different criteria must be considered. Appropriate lighting conditions, enhanced fire safety, and in many cases, high levels of hygiene are key factors. However, in industrial applications, sound levels are generally much higher than in other work areas. Great emphasis should be placed on obtaining and maintaining comfortable acoustic conditions for employees and people in the surrounding locality.
In clean room areas there are special requirements for air purity with which the ceiling systems must comply. With our OWAcoustic® Clean ceiling tiles from OWA, for example, we conform to the maximum qualification requirements in accordance with US-Standards – in five out of the six classes.
Often a suspended ceiling cannot be installed due to the service installations of the production facility, so baffles and wall absorbers are traditionally good choices for industrial buildings.